Published →
11 years ago
1 min read
Way Way Way back in 2013 when learning coffeescript + html5 canvas and some game dynamics…
.. I thought it would be fun to make a little game in about a day.
Now, almost 4 years later, it finally made it to Codepen 👍
- collision detection: blocks, board and room
- smaller paddle each time you loose
- level “designer” – there is no GUI but you can actually design how the blocks are placed on the board and define the color for each
- some ball physics ball stuff, you now so the ball doesn’t just move along the same line constantly upon collision
- souls-like difficulty
- click on the board to start
- use mouse to move the paddle
- clear all the blocks by shooting at them with the ball
- loose a “life” when you “loose” the ball
- add a new “life” by clicking the “insert new coin” link; game will be faster each time
- some physics is off, this is on purpose to make it extra hard (*kuch*)
- be sure to ping me when you managed to clear the board! 🙂
Disclaimer: Game is made by me – I typed every single line of code; but I used diff. resources on the net. The goal is to refresh some physic principals, to have fun and to learn some coffeescripting, html5 and game development on the way. Since it’s a learning thing, the game is not perfect and kinda buggy 🙂