journal A very very very small set of entries..

I have written a LOT of journal entries. First in a paper journal, then in a digital journal. Thousands.

Writing & drawing helps me a lot to get my thoughts in order. I have a lot of thoughts, and I guess I need to get them out of my head. Almost all of these are very private.

But I sometimes write stuff that I feel like sharing. So here we are.

Published → 5 years ago
1 min read
What exactly is the point… 🤨
Welp. I just got an e-mail with as message “you have a confidential message from x from Az Jan-Palfijn”. With a link. That link takes me to this page: And says...
Published → 5 years ago
1 min read
K8s research & deploy → the aftermath.. 😅
Those 66 open useful tabs aren’t rare – at least not for me. But on a single 13-inch retina screen, on a 4y+ old computer with lots of other stuff going on.. i...
Published → 5 years ago
1 min read
Happy Holidays!!
Published → 5 years ago

The definition of existence

Published → 6 years ago
1 min read
Coincidence or deep data mining AI? 😱
Got a mail today. (=yesterday) From Ikea. This was the main heading. It says “The New Veerle Deserves a Personalized Approach”. In Dutch. With my name ‘Ikea-a-...
Published → 6 years ago
1 min read
I have a neurological, incurable  disease. Not fatal. Not curable. Maybe not degradable. Should be manageable.  Anyway things are looking up now, the manageable...
_In no particular order. work in progress. _ 0. Vogsphere – The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (2005) One of my favourite stories, is the Hitchhikers Guide...
Published → 6 years ago
1 min read
We all have super powers.
One super-power is to forgive b/c you cannot change what tragically happened. Not to forget nor deny.
China has gamified being an obedient citizen with the creation of Sesame Credit. It creates a social score that pushes people to behave the way the government w...
Published → 6 years ago
2 min read
🤔 about movies: The Big Short
You can watch media solely for the entertainment or with the intend to learn something. While doing the first, the good ones always do the latter too. Even if y...
Published → 7 years ago
6 min read
Life as a Web-Developer :: We’ve been here before
Over time your bound to repeat things you’ve already done before. Maybe not *exactly* the same – but simular enough to get inspired by your past self. Sounds fa...
Published → 7 years ago
4 min read
Life as a (Web-) Developer :: I Bet it is..
Computers & software are everywhere. Sometimes I think they replicate each year, more and more single use apps; yet another upgrade and features. But this p...
Today I made a very simple custom plugin for this website: the bookshelf. I researched the plugin store but didn’t find one that had the features/fields I need....
Published → 7 years ago
1 min read
Alan Watts ~ The Story of the Chinese Farmer
You never know the consequences of anything that happens in the universe. “The Story of the Chinese Farmer” is a parable about life and nature that helps us to...